Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Wednesday: Caught in the Rain & Best Dinner at "Cape Sea Grille"

We couldn't decide what to do today, the weather forecast was "iffy", but we decided to go to Nausett Beach in Orleans (not to be confused with Nausett Light Beach).  As we pulled into to parking lot it started raining a little and the lot was 3/4 full. So I looked at the weather radar on my phone and saw that a large squall was just about to hit the beach, but it was only sprinkling  Since we have never been here before, we decided to take a stroll to survey the beach even though it was sprinkling. When we got to the sand, we saw that the place was "packed", I called it "the sea of humanity."

Then the sky opened up, downpour, thunder & lightening.   Everyone on the beach and streamed off the beached.  Another mass of humanity, with umbrellas, towels, chairs, coolers, kids, etc rushing to get to their cars.  It was a sight to behold, what a movie.  We went back to the car to wait out the storm,

After about 20 minutes, the storm stopped we got out our stuff and headed to the beach.  All the people were gone!

The sun came out and we enjoyed the rest of the day at the beach with a lot less people.

For Dinner, we went to the Cape Sea Grille in Harwich. 

Elly had the Seared Long Island Duck Breast with chipotle-mascarpone gnocchi, summer ratatouille of grilled vegetables, demi-glace & whipped roasted garlic-pork belly butter.  Sterve had the Pan Seared Whole Lobster with pancetta, potatoes, grilled asparagus & Calvados-saffron reduction.
The food was marvelous.

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