Thursday, July 13, 2017

Thursday: Mini-Golf, Arnolds, Fort Hill, Snows, Spamalot

Planned to go play mini-gold at Arnold's and then get seafood for lunch. The Golf Course had a display of scale models of Cape Cod historic houses and places.

Scale Model of the Capt. Penniman House at Fort Hill
Steve had already won one round of golf, but Elly managed to destroy Steve on this round, so we were tied at 1 game each.  More rounds of mini-golf to come.
The obligatory Waterfall selfie.
After golfing, we ordered lobster rolls.  Each roll had more than 1/2 lobster on them . Yum again!

Lobster Rolls and fries.  They were packed with lobster!

After eating, we needed to go for a hike to walk off the lobster rolls and fries, so we drove over to the Fort Hill Wildlife Preserve & Trails.  The life size version of the Capt Penniman House was right there!
Full size Capt Penniman House, it is currently being restored
Steve on the front porch of the Capt Penniman House.

We parked across the street and followed the trail.

Trail to the Red Maple Swamp

Start of the Hike


The inlet

 We deiced to followed what appeared to be a trail heading down to the shore,

Shore Trail

On the Shore Trail
  Well, to our surprise, it turned out that the "shore" trail lead to nowhere! We decided that instead of turning back, we would blaze our way to the parking lot through a partially used trail. It was obvious, others have tried this route also.

"If you build it, they will come"

We finally made it back to the parking lot and made sure that we checked for ticks, since I had just gotten over a case of Lyme Disease.

Later that night we went to see an amateur production of 'Spamalot" at the Academy Playhouse in Orleans Center.  It was really funny and at the end they bring an audience member on stage.  he played right along and was hilarious!.

Inside theater before the play started. Cell phones had to be turned off during the production

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