Thursday, July 20, 2017

Garlic Harvest Time

When we got back from the cape, it was time to start harvesting the garlic. I think I should have over 300 plants this year.

First sample of the Hard Neck Variety cleaned up

 The rest of the pictures show some of the garlic drying in the greehnouse.  last year I dried it in the house, but there are too many plants this year and I don't want to bring more bugs into the house.



I have about 6 more rows to pull when it gets cooler tonight!

Just picked 3 more rows of the Lorz Soft Neck Variety Ended up with about 120 bulbs of Lorz.   3  rows of the Transylvania variety to go, then I am done!

Lorz Soft Neck Garlic
I think I must have a total of over 400 garlic bulbs.  Bigger and better than last year. All the spring rain helped!

Just picked the last 3 rows.  All done and now drying in the shed.

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