Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Transitioning to a Whole Foods Plant-Based Diet

Elly and I have always ate well, we had thought! All of our meals were prepared from scratch and cooked at home. No processed food, little sugar & salt, hardly any red meat, always organic vegetables & spices, olive oil & homemade bread.  Boy were we wrong! We probably own all the DVDs about how food is grown, and processed, the cruel way animals are raised and processed and  know all about the chemicals & junk that goes into our food.

We have already read the book "How Not to Die" by Dr. Michael Greger, but it all just came together and a light went on in our heads after seeing the movie 'What The Health" and the new movie "H.O.P.E   What You Eat Matters."  We finally came to the realization the everyone in America on the Standard American Diet has heart disease.  And I mean EVERYONE, diagnosed or not, including US!

Together with the an older You Tube Video by  Dr Michael Greger  "40 Year Old Vegan Dies of Heart Attack." and thgese two movies, Elly and I had an epiphany.  Watch the  You Tube video below:

So we threw out all of our oils, and started transitioning to a Whole Foods, Plant-Based Diet. It was very difficult not having the correct ingredients, spices, recipes etc. But we are slowly learning to change over our total diet.

This week we found a Vegan/Vegetarian take-out restaurant in Worcester called the Belmont Vegetarian Restaurant.. It received good reviews on Yelp, etc so we decided to try it.  For $12.56 each we got a tin of everything on their menu.

Belmont Street Vegetarian Restaurant

The Menu
Elly waiting for our order

Our order after we arrived home
The food was delicious, especially the BBQ. We will definitely be going back

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