Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Birds, Wildlife and the Return of the Phoebes

Spring is always a busy season in our backyard as the birds and other animals return. The turkeys are one of the first to be seen, especially since spring is the mating season. The toms "puff-out" trying to attract and impress the hens. The hens seems to care less most of the time. It's actually amazin that a regular looking tom can puff up and become a big "picture perfect" for Thanksgiving turkey.

We always wait and wonder to see whether our Eastern Phoebe friends that have taken up residence on my fishing poles in the garage for the last for years will return again. After four year, they had built the nest so high that it almost touched the ceiling and would leave little room for the baby phoebes. So earlier  this Spring I cut the next and took down half of it hoping they wouldn't mind since they always add on anyway. Well last week they returned for the 5th straight year! I managed to get a photo of the mom in the nest, hopefully babies will follow soon.

Mom Phoebe at night in her nest
Today we saw the coyote walking trough the yard. He seemed particularly interested in the tom turkey.  But as he ran after the turkey, the turkey just flew away.  We must be sure that we keep our cat inside as we have already lost may of our pets to wild animals in the past.

Going after the Turkey, but he has wings!
We are very excited that a pair of Baltimore Orioles visited our feeder this year. Last year they showed up for a day and left. This year we put orange slices on the feeder after we saw them and they have been staying around for a few days.  Hope they decide to stay all summer, but I will have to keep them stocked up with oranges.

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