Friday, May 25, 2018

Planting the Gardens

 The Irises in our perennial garden have just started to bloom this week. here is a sample of what has bloomed so far.

 The vegetable garden is also progressing. Last year we skipped having a garden due to the poor spring weather. But this year we finally ran out of home made tomato suace and frozen green peppers, so we needed to replenish our stock. We also moved the raspberry plants to a sunnier location ing the garden and we expanded the garden bu about 5 feet.

So far we have planted 35 Roma Tomato plants, 30 bell peppers, 12 red cabagge, 12 eggplant, 12 lettuce, 6 hot peppers, 6 Cherokee Purple Tomato, 8 cucumber plants, 2 rows Swiss Chard seeds, 2 rows bush bean seeds, 1 row cucumber seeds, 4 mounds zucchini seeds & 48 Marigold plants. I think that is about it for now.

Yesterday Elly went out the fill the bird feeders. Her friend Tom came to visit.  He is getting so funny, when he is hungry, he comes up o the sliding glass door and pecks on the window.  He does not eat out of her hand though. Still s little afraid.

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