Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Making Irish Soda Bread

Back when I lived in Fairfield, CT there was a bakery that everyone just loved, Devore's Donuts.

 Every Sunday, people would stop in on their way home from church and pick up doughnuts and other goodies. They were famous for their raised glazed doughnuts and crullers.  They closed down in 2005 and r-opened for a few years on Brooklawn Ave. in Bridgeport, but sadly they are gone too.

The owner published their Irish Soda Bread recipe in the local newspaper, the Bridgeport Post.  My Mom cut it out and gave me the recipe a few years back.  Today I decided to make it.  I made it once a while back, here is the result back then. 

Here's the recipe:

1/2 Cup Sugar
1/2 Cup Powdered Milk
pinch salt
5 cups All Purpose Flout
2 1/2 cups Cake Flour
1/3 cup Baking Powder
1/2 Cup shortening

 Using my Kitchen Aid Mixer, I put in all the above ingredients and mixed for 5 minutes with the dough hook.

After thoroughly mixed add:

1 cup of eggs (yes your read that right, last time it was 5 eggs depending on egg size)
3 cups water
1/3 Cup caraway seeds (optional)
1 1/2 cup raisins (optional, this time we used dried cranberries)

Mix for 5 more minutes, the dough will be really sticky

Put dough on counter or breadboard and divide into 3 sections and form into balls or loaves.  It will be sticky, don't worry about the flour ruining your mix!

Set each floured ball on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and sprinkle a little flour on top. Cut an "X" across the top.

Bake at 400 degrees for 50-55 minutes until golden brown. You can check by using a cake tester to see if it comes out clean.

Peaking in the oven. Almost done.

Remove from oven and place on wire racks to cool.

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