Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Drying & Re-Activating Sourdough Starter

Last week when I made a some sourdough bread with the California Started (called 'Larry") that I got on Ebay, I deliberately made too much starter.  After making the bread, I decided to dry the starter. The starter dried in a few hours in the dehydrator and then I used a coffee grinder to make fine granules, just like I did with the Garlic Powder ->  Garlic Powder link

Dried Starter

Ready to Grind
I then packaged it up in zip lock bags (2 TBS per bag) and vacuum packed the small bags into a bigger bag with my Food Saver.  I can store this away or mail to friends and family that want to make sourdough bread from this starter.  But first I have to see if I can bring it back to life.

DAY 1:  

To bring it back to life I am following these directions:

1. Mix ½ cup flour with ½ cup plus 2 tablespoons lukewarm pure water.  We just use tap water because we have a well.  If you have town water with fluoride, chlorine etc, you should use distilled or bottled water).
2. Add in the package of starter, it's 2 tablespoons, that's why you added the additional 2 tablespoons of water to make it 50/50 flour/water.

All Three ingredients in a bowl

3. Stir and mix well, cover with a lid or cling wrap to keep starter from drying and forming a crust on top. Put it on the counter in a warm place.

All mixed well

Covered and warm
DAY 2:

1. Just stir it up in the morning. Let it sit there all day!
It's Alive!.  This is just 2 hours after I stirred it!

2. Just before you go to bed, add ½ cup water and ½ cup flour. Stir well & cover.

 DAY 3:

1. In the morning, it should look something like this. It's alive!  Just let it sit for a few hours more.
It's alive. Let is sit for most of the day!

2. About halfway through the day add another ½ cup flour and ½cup water and mix well  (see a pattern here?)
3. You will be doing this for the next few days to create a nice sour starter.
4. If your bowl is too small, get a bigger bowl or throw some of the starter away. (DUH!)

  DAY 4:
1. Boring, but more of the same, ½ cup flour and ½ cup flour, mix well.
2. You could make bread after a while today if you want. To test the starter, put a teaspoon of starter in a bowl of water. if it floats it's ready!

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