Monday, March 12, 2012

New Hiking Info

Today we went for a walk and met our "across the pond" neighbor.   She is very nice and has a cat and a dog that Elly fell in love with.  Elly really misses her cats.  Anyway, while we were chatting I snapped a picture of our condo from across the pond.  I had never seen what it looks like from that side.

Condo from across the pond. Click for a bigger view.

A row of Liquid Amber trees in California

 She also told us that the bare trees near the condo are called "Liquid Amber" and are absolutely gorgeous in the fall.

 We also got a lead on a new hiking trail that has a  water fall at the end of it.  Tenaja Falls is in the Cleveland National Forest which is only about 4 miles from where we live.  It is right up near the hiking trails of the Santa Rosa Plateau that we hiked with San & Mike.  It is a short and easy hike of only 1.4 miles but you have to get wet and cross the river.  You can read about this trail here and here.  We are planning to hike this trail soon.

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