Sunday, March 18, 2012

Backwards Weather!

While the east coast and central states are enjoying record warm temperatures in the 80's, we in California are experience a typical New England rainy and cold spring day with temps in the 40s & 50s.  It seems that everything is backwards!  The storm we are experiencing is dumping snow in the surrounding mountains at elevations above 2,000 feet.  There are some areas around here where there are entire neighborhoods above that altitude.  They must be getting snow!  Maybe we will check it out later today.

But we also know that once this storm is over the warm weather will return to stay.  That is not usually the case in New England.  Typically you get a few warm days, you get your hopes up for warm weather, then have another month or two or three of cold damp weather.  Remember the recent June that rained for over 20 days in Central Mass?  Hopefully that doesn't happen out here and summer begins soon and stays until the end of October.

Here are today's weather forecasts for Southern California & Massachusetts  Which is which?

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