Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Redlands & San Timoteo Canyon

Today we took a day off to sight see and visit friends because our cousin was feeling a little better from her surgery. We decided to visit our friend again in Redands and to drive by a few houses that Elly saw online.  Theses houses were for sale, not for rent, but Elly wanted to see them regardless. Maybe we will see some 'For Rent" signs.

San Timoteo Canyon - click for a larger view
After picking up our friend, we went to a Vietnamese noodle restaurant called Noodle 21 .   I had the seafood noodle soup with crunchy noodles, Elly had the chicken noodle soup with soft noodles.  Elly commented that the soups were not as spicy as she would have liked, but there were spicy sauces that you have to add at the table.  Nevertheless, I thought the soup was excellent and a good luncheon alternative.

After lunch we went for a ride around the Smiley Heights area of Redlands.  This area overlooks the San Timoteo Canyon.  We stopped may times to take tourist photos at the may overlooks.  It was absolutely gorgeous!  We also wrote down a few realtor phone number of houses for sale and for rent.

PS.  After we got home and Elly looked at the prices of homes in this exclusive area, we decided that we have to look at area in our budget.  We still have not found a place to live!

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