Monday, January 30, 2012

Moving Day!

Panoramic View from the Patio (click on picture to enlarge)
Yeah! Today we picked up the keys from the owners and received a copy of the completed lease from the realtor.  We also went shopping for a mattress so we can sleep there.  The rest of the appliances can wait until we move in.  The mattress will be delivered tomorrow.  Tomorrow we can also go to the club's office to get the transponder to open the gate automatically.  This will allow us to use Gate 2, which is closer to the condo, rather than have to go to the main entrance with the guard shack.

We got to Murrieta a little early, so we decided to go up the road about 2 miles.  Wow!  It a place called the Santa Rosa Plateau.  The views and houses are incredible.  We stopped at the Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, they have miles of hiking trails.  We picked up the trail maps and chatted with the Park Rangers for a while.  This is definitely a spot we will frequent often as it is just up the road.  Will post more pictures after we take them.

I shot small movie of Elly moving in and unpacking along with a tour of the condo. I will post it here when I find the bandwidth to upload it since I am over my 3GB Verizon limit already on my Xoom tablet.  Maybe I can do it at Starbucks tomorrow.

Just saw the weather forecast, we are expecting colder weather this week.  That means the daytime temps will be around 60-70 degrees. Brrrrr!

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