Wednesday, January 25, 2012

More Looking For a Place to Live

Elly made appointments with a realtor that we have been working with in Murrieta.   The first house was not as nice as in the pictures, it was in the shade all day and had a "yappy" dog next door.  The next house had potential from the outside, it was in a nice neighborhood, had a nice pool, and had a great layout with 4 bedrooms.  We would have considered renting this house, but the interior workmanship was atrocious.  The paint job looks like it was done by a 10 year old with paint splatters all over the woodwork and wall.  There were no smoke alarms, doors were smashed, wall had holes in them, etc and the landlord was not going to fix them.  I told the realtor that I would fix up the place for two months free rent, but that offer went nowhere.  Oh well off to another showing.

The realtor did not have the "lock box code" for the next place, but we decided to drive over and look in the windows anyway, hoping that the listing realtor would call with the codes on the way (wishful thinking).
Condo Kitchen

 The place was a condo home in a golf club community.  It was absolutely spectacular!  The condo was on a man made pond with ducks, turtles and water jets!  As luck would have it, the realtor with the codes called and we were able to see the condo.

View from Kitchen and Patio
 Elly fell in love with it and we submitted our application for it.  Now we are waiting to hear if our application is accepted.  More pictures to come if we get the place!

Thursday, January 26,  2012
Oh, I forgot! It was 85 degrees today, the rest of this week and next week will be 75-85 degrees and dry!

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