Saturday, June 02, 2018

Turkey Attack!

A few days ago,  I looked out in the backyard and saw turkey feathers all over the ground.  Oh my, my first thought was that Tom was attacked by the coyote that had been prowling around here.  Tom was nowhere to be found, no dead turkey around the yard, my only hope was that he managed to fly off.  But there were so many feathers!

Feathers all over the back yard

Well, a few days later Tome return looking a little disheveled but not too bad. He seemed a little mor skittish that he was before the attack, but seemed OK.  I guess he was able to pull away from the coyote and fly away.

Tom returns, doesn't look too bad.
All is back to normal. This morning, Elly forgot to fill the bird feeders from which Tom picks up the scraps on the ground from when the birds push the stuff they don't want away.  I guess Tom was hungry, so he came up and pecked at the door window where Elly usually exits to fill the feeders. Who says turkeys are stupid?

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