Saturday, June 23, 2018

The Wedding

Well, today is the big day! It's a little non-traditional in that the order of things is not as expected. They have been engaged for 12 years.  Busy lives, Master Degrees, State Board Certifications , etc have delayed the wedding plans all these years. But they love each so much and they are finally tying the knot!

The future mother-in-law's house was the the center of activity before the wedding. All the wedding party got dressed at the here. The photographer arrived and  some photos taken at the house and others across the street at the college that these two lovebirds graduated from.

The groom almost ready.

Happy couple before the professional Photographer arrives

Some of the Wedding party, just standing around.

Wedding party "unofficial" photo

After all the photos were taken, we were on time at the wedding venue and were able relax a bit and to see some of the guests arriving. The Ceremony started promptly at 5:00. The pavilion was all decorated, the chairs were all set up in a spiral, the guests had arrived, now it was 'Show Time!"

Chairs in a spiral for the Ceremony
The entire Ceremony is below.  The wedding march was "The Star Trek Next Generation Theme" by the Vitamin String Quartet.

Me giving my daughter away, with my wife looking on. Great picture.

My daughter said "if you're having this much fun at the ceremony, it's going to be a great wedding"

Parents of the Bride, That's Us
First Dance was to "At Last!" by Etta James. How very appropriate after 12 years engagement.!

First Dance

The groom's father made all the cakes, the wedding cake, The Grooms Cake and all the cupcakes.  They were all delicious. The strawberry cupcake actually had a fresh strawberry inside.

The obligatory "Cutting the Cake" photo
The wedding was fantastic! The Happy Couple were having a great time partying with their friends.  Caterer was great and the food was outstanding. Everyone danced the night away until 11:30.  A great time was had by all.   The new bride & groom will be leaving for a 9 day "honeymoon" in Hawaii in two days! Such Fun.  Youth is wasted on the young!

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