Saturday, August 06, 2016

Chipmunks Eating Our Tomatoes

At first we thought it was a groundhog that was eating our tomatoes, but we actually saw a chipmunk chowing down on one.  We have already have lost over 20 ripe tomatoes.  There are a lot of chipmunks.  I am going to try the Cayenne Pepper & Garlic spray to see if that works.  Good thing our plum tomatoes for sauce aren't ripe yet.  We really need those to have sauce for the entire year.

Today I also cleaned out the outdoor furnace to get it ready for the winter.  This is how we heat our house when we don't use oil.  Oil was so cheap last year, we didn't fire it up all winter.  But now I am getting it ready just in case we need it.  I also filled it with water and started to the pump to see if everything was operational.  It was!  Just have to buy the anti-corrosive agent & I will be all set to go.

Stove in operation back in Jan 2013

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