Monday, July 25, 2016

New Roof Week has Started! - Day 1

31 years on a 25 year roof, it's about time for a new one!  The north side  of the garage acutal was covered in moss and has little trees growing on it.

moss covered garage
The material arrived on Friday, Work began today.  These guys are wearing hoodies in the 95 degree heat.  It keeps them cool, by keeping the body moisture inside, like air conditioning.

Moving right along. Starting with putting on the weatherproofing & new shingles.

After the shingles were removed I went up into the attic.  It was sort of magical with the sun shing through the nail holes

By 4:30, the main front roof was complete and the Laundry-Mudroom area was strippped and started to be shingled.  Fast workers in this awful heat of 95 degrees.

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