Sunday, February 10, 2013

Post Blizz-Pocalypse!

Our Patio before the Storm
 The snow started on Friday afternoon.

Snow just starting
 I had to go to the Post Office around 2:00 and the roads were starting to get slippery.

Downtown Sterling in the afternoon, roads still clear
 There was only about 3 inches on the ground when we went to bed.  We had a little hope that the storm may be blown out of proportion like it occasionally does by the weather man.  But we knew better because we say the radar on TV.

When we woke up it was still snowing and lasted until about noon.

The same patio picture as above. Still snowing at 8 AM

This is a snow drift against the back door

After it stopped snowing the clean-up began.  It didn't take too long, but we had to shovel a bit because the snow blower was acting up.  I thinks its a carburetor problem from old gas.  We haven't used this thing in over 2 years.  It was hard work, but its so quiet and so pretty!.

Patio with path to bird feeder for Elly

Path to the driveway

The back yard
Since we legally couldn't drive on the roads, we just stayed home.  Beside we had nowhere to go and nothing was open.  This is "down time" in New England.  Something we missed when we were out in California.  It nice to be back home despite the cold weather and the snow.  I think we missed it.

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