Wednesday, February 06, 2013

OMG! Nor'easter Blizzard Coming Tomorrow

This is the way New England welcomes us back.  Yesterday was the 55th anniversary of the Blizzard of '78 and for Friday & Saturday they are forecasting the largest snowfall of ALL time. Great!  The weatherman said that there are two lows that will converge off the Massachusetts coast forming a Nor'easter.  This is where the backside of the storm bring winds and moisture (snow)  from the ocean to the land (us!).

16-24 inches of snow forecasted for the greater Worcester area.

This is what the Blizzard of '78 looked like.

Interstate 495
Rout 16 in Milford, MA

Fitchburg, MA
  Tomorrow we plan to get the snow blower tested & ready, the generator tested & ready.  I also plan to fire up the tractor to assist  with the snow removal if needed.  We really hope it won't be that bad but who knows, this is New England after all, where the weather can change in an instant

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