Sunday, October 14, 2012

Grannies Attic Flea Market

The large antique mall in Temecula is called Grannies Attic Antiques.  It is a group shop with over 200 dealers.  Occasionally they have a flea market in their parking lot for dealers and to attract more customers to the shop.  We signed up late for the flea market, but luckily there was a cancellation, so we got a prime location, the 3rd booth from the entrance!  We packed the car the night before and arrived at Grannies at 6:00am to set up.  Most dealers were already there setting up!  With the two borrowed tables from our condo neighbor, we unpacked the car and set up the booth.

Elly Arranging the Booth

It was a nice day that started off cool so we needed jackets and coffee.  But by 9:00 the sun was out, it was warm and the customers were there.

Some of the early customers

Our booth from our vantage point
We did fairly well for our first time here, we got rid of a few big items that we didn't want to store any longer and met some very nice people.  We also leaned a lot about the Grannies Attic Group shop itself.

Here in California, the group shop owners charge a 10% sellers premium in addition to the rent you pay!  So if your rent is $250 a month, and you sell 4 times rent in sales ($1000), you own them $350 ($250 + $100). That really cuts into your profits!  The lady in the next booth has been a seller at the group shop for 15 years and rarely does 3 time rent in sales.  So unless she gets her merchandise really cheap or charges high prices, it would be difficult to make a profit!  This reinforces my conviction that the that the only ones making any money in these group shops are the group shop owners.  Luckily the outdoor flea market vendors didn't have to fork over the 10%!

It was a great experience doing this and hope they have another soon.

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