Friday, October 19, 2012

Flabob Airport Cafe in Riverside,CA

Today was Estate Sale Day.  We traveled up to Riverside to go to an Estate Sale hosted by one of our favorite estate sale people, Home Sweet Home Estate Sales.  Check out their web site here.

We bought a few thing at the estate sale and then called Debbie to see if she was home.  She said she was having brunch at the Flabob Airport Cage with Tony and her Dad.  So we decided to join them.  You can read about the airport here on their web site.

Flabob Airport Cafe

Inside the Cafe
 The place is decorated in aviator motif with airplane photos, etc everywhere.  The food was good, I has french toast, Elly had an avocado omelet.

Phil, me, Elly & Tony at the Flabob Airport Cafe

This cafe is a very cool local hangout.  We didn't even know it existed until Debbie told us to meet her there.  She found the place by accident one day when her horse ran away and ended up at the airport.

Here is a video from youtube about the Flabob Airport Cafe:

Large Wright Bros. sculpture outside the Cafe

 After hanging out for a while chatting and drinking coffee, we headed home to put stuff up on eBay.

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