Friday, July 20, 2012

Air Conditioner Inspection - 1960's Retro Concert

Today our Air conditioner inspection was finally completed. Passed with flying colors!.  This kept us at the house a little longer than we wanted because we were going to a Woodstock-style concert up in Corona.

We arrived at noon at the resort and were shown around.  We brough drinks and food and spent the day listening to great 1960's style music.  Hanging out in the large pool was also great way to cool off from the heat of the day,  We met a few nice people and had a great time.

The grounds were very well kept and had an abundance of So. California landscaping

The Grounds Rock Architecture

The Gazebo for Relaxing

The nice Heated Pool available for use
By the time we arrived & checked in, the band was already playing and the lounge chairs around the pool were already reserved.  Good thing we brought our own chairs. We set up to the right of the band, within a good earshot, pulled out the beers and books and sat back for a relaxing afternoon of music.

A few times during the concert we were able to take a few dips in the pool even though it was crowded, but it was refreshing and we could still hear the band.  Although we could have stayed for the evening festivities, we decided to head home about 5:00.  It was and enjoyable afternnon.

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