Sunday, October 30, 2011

October Nor'easter

Tractor from bedroom window
It was your typical Nor'easter.  They are called that because as the storm comes up the coast, it inevitably moves out to sea.  Once out at sea, the counter-clockwise winds pick up moisture from the ocean and dumps it on us.  The winds come from the North East (like from Maine and Nova Scotia!).  The tides get really high and the winds howl.  Once in a while these are fun, in February, but not in October!

Pool Area
Yes, we lost power last night around 8PM.  I had to pull out the generator and hook it up because we figured we would be without power for at least a day and we really wanted heat!. Cable, Internet and phone worked until about 11PM.  Then it went out too!  Some tree must have taken it out.  We awoke to our version of "Winter Wonderland" except it not even Halloween yet! The views out of our bedroom window show around a foot of snow on my tractor and pool.  All the trees have winter frosting on them.  It is beautiful, but again, its only October!

Backyard after snow.

12 1/2" of snow

Driveway blocked by trees
I got dressed on went out to see the damage.  We got a little over a foot of snow.  The driveway was blocked by a few fallen trees and our road wasn't plowed yet.  It was pretty though! 
I decided that if we ever wanted to get out, I would have to get those trees off the driveway.  I started the tractor and was easily able to move the fallen branches and bent trees off the driveway clear the driveway. 
We also went for a little walk and found out why weren't plowed out yet.  Down the main road, there were two or three trees across the road, 1 telephone pole down, and all the wires, electric, cable & phone were in a tangled heap.  Looks like at least a day or two of running the generator.  May need more gas!

Elly said "we are sooo done!"
(Hint:  click on the picture for a better view!)

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