Saturday, September 23, 2017

Walker Homestead Antique Show

The Walker Homestead is an Antique Shop that people live in.  The 1st floor is the antique shop, the second floor is the living quarters.  Although they do actually live on the 1st floor as well.  A few times each year the have events such as this Antique Show or Christmas Open House, etc.  This is the first time Elly and I have been out there.

 The main house is the antique shop.  For events you park in the fields in the front of the house, while the dealers set up in the fields in back of the house.

Owners Setting up for the Show

We didn't get there for the opening, but here is how long the line was.  This place is literally out in the middle of nowhere, but people and dealers come from all over just for this show.  It features mostly the "primitive" style of antiques.

Line waiting to get in


People shopping during the show. The house is open and set up also.

Sitting Room

Living Room

Dining Room

The rear of the house.  This is where most of the dealers were

The Antique Dealer Booths

Reproduction Redware made by a local artist

Nice Display of Antique Stoneware

Elly at the Dried Herb Shed

Nice Primitive Santa's. These were $95 each!

The prices were very high, we did not buy anything.  The show gave us a good idea of whats people want and what dealers are selling.

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