Wednesday, August 07, 2013

The Peeps Have Arrived!

Today the new pullets (baby hens) arrived in the mail.  We get them from Reich's Poultry Farm in Marrieta, PA.  have gotten them there for years and always have had good results.  After the Post office called, and I picked up the chicks, I saw this fox in our front yard eating the plums on the ground. He looked really skinny and scrawny.  Not a good sign for the baby chicks.  We will have to be very vigilant.  No foxes in the hen house for us!

Red Fox in our Front Yard
The coop was all ready for the chicks, so we took them out of the box one-by-one and showed each one where the water is.  Hope they all learned today's lesson!

The box of chicks from the Post Office

The traveling compartments

A cute little peep!

Settling In!

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