Sunday, June 09, 2013

Time to Butcher the Chickens!

Tomorrow the chickens will be eight weeks old.  Time to get them butchered.  Yesterday, one died from an apparent heart attack, it weighed 6 1/2 pounds, a good weight.  Today we were waiting for our friends to return our chicken plucker and it arrived , so tomorrow we can begin.

We captured 10 chickens and placed them in "death row" so they won't eat or drink anything for at least 12 hours to clean out their insides (intestines, crop, etc).

10 chickens on "death Row"
We also got the butchering area ready for the chicken cleaning. This consists of: the killing cones, the turkey fryers used with 142 degree water to prep the chickens for plucking, the chicken plucker and the stainless steel table.

Our Chicken Plucker ready for Action

The killing cones will be nailed up between two trees
We still have all the aprons, gloves, water thermometers, knives , etc from the last time we did this almost 3 years ago.  So we are all set for tomorrow. We plan to start with only 10 to see how tired we get and how long it takes us.  If the weather hold we should be done by the end of the week.

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