Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spring Time in New England!

Ya right!

We also decided today to take a ride to get some milk.  We purchase it at a farm stand in Hardwick, MA about 45 minutes from our house.  Here is their website: Misty Brook Farm.  The ride out there is always enjoyable and the scenery was amazing with the snow still sticking to the trees like frosting.

The milk at the stand
The farm stand 
The price of everything has gone up dramatically.  Raw milk is $5 for a half gallon.  The grass ground beef is $9.00 per pound.

After we picked up the milk, we stopped at the Hardwick Farmers Coop to pick up some shavings and chick starter for the meats birds that well be arriving on April 17 in the mail.  The prices there have also increased.  Non-medicated chick starter was $16.00 while the organic starter is $32.00, both for a 50lb bag.  This is why organic eggs and organic chicken are so expensive. Misty Brook Farm is charging $32 for a single 4-5 lb broiler.  That is why we are doing our own meat birds again this year.. 

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