Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Dinner at the Mission Inn

Last night, I took Elly out for her birthday.  Her birthday was Sunday, but we couldn't get reservations at Duane's Steakhouse at the Mission Inn in Riverside until last night.  The Mission Inn has a few restaurants, but we have been told that Duane's was the best among them.  There were also a lot of private Christmas parties happening, using up a few of the other dining venues in the Inn.

The decor at Duane's was really elegant and the entire Inn was decorated with Christmas decorations and tons of poinsettias.  Santa was even roaming around the restaurant!  (see my earlier posts about the Mission Inn Lights).

The Entrance into Duane's during normal times
 We were seated in a very private corner near a window that overlooked the courtyard.

Elly at Duane's

Me at Duane's with the Christmas decorations in view.
Elly chose a Spinach Salad for appetizer, while I sampled the Lobster Bisque.  For dinner we chose the "Chateaubriand for Two" which came with a menagerie of vegetables and was sliced at our table!  The steak was the best we have ever had, it just melted in your mouth!  For desert, we shared a chocolate mouse cake and pistachio ice cream.  The overall experience was fantastic and Elly really enjoyed her birthday present.  We are both glad we got to experience dining here before we leave.  There a still a few more things on our "California Bucket List" to do.

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