Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Wicked Awesome Lobstahs!

A unique New England adjective is "wicked".  It means "very, really, so or totally" as in a person can be "really smart."  It was originally part of the Boston dialect, but has since expanded throughout New England.  Some things out here are "wicked awesome",  people are "wicked smaht", and you can get "wicked good deals" at some stores. 
A place where "wicked good deals" can be found
 Something that is way too cool, is "wicked pissah." To properly use "wicked" there must be a adjective placed after it.  "That party was wicked" is not correct. That party was wicked awesome is correct.   Also if  you are from California, Iowa (or anywhere that isn't New England) and you use this word, you sound like a dumb ass.

The letter "r" is also forgotten around the Boston area. You order a "lobstah roll" and ask for a glass of "watah".  There seems to be a lobster war going on on these parts which makes eating lobsters inexpensive.  Live lobsters at the local grocery store are only $3.99 lb.  The famous restaurant menu item, the "double lobster dinner", is only $15.99 at a local restaurant.

Twin Lobster Dinner for $15.99 at Barber's Crossing
Barber's Crossing Restaurant in Sterling
I think its time to eat some more "lobstahs" before we go back to California!

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