Monday, April 09, 2012

Joshua Tree Rocks!

A Joshua Tree
Today we took a trip out to Joshua Tree National Park with San, Mike & Jasmine.  Check out our previous hiking entry from the Santa Rosa Plateau.    It is located in the high desert northwest of Palm Springs.  It is named after the Joshua Trees which grow there.  You can find out more about the Joshua Trees here.

  It took us about 1 hr 45 mins to get there.  We were supposed to meet San & Mike at the visitors center, but on the highway on our way, they just happened to pull up behind us!  They passed and we followed them to the Vistors Center, left our car and went the remaining 5-6 miles to the park.

How to get to Joshua Tree from Murrieta

More Joshua Trees

We decide to stop & hike at the Hidden Valley hiking area.  Hidden Valley is an enclosed valley,  that had an opening blasted years ago to allow access to the valley.  It was presumably used by horse thieves to escape the law in the early days of the west. Hidden Valley has a one mile hiking loop, but we spent most of our time climbing among the rocks.

Hidden Valley

Elly, San, Jasmine & Mike taking a Water Break

 After hiking and climbing we had a picnic lunch and then went for another small hike among the boulders.  They were huge!

People climbing on a large rock
Elly in front of a large rock formation

Before we left, we took a ride to the a Viewpoint in the park.  From this vantage point you can overlook the entire Coachella Valley.  This is a similar view that we had back in October when we took the tram to to top of the mountain, but now we were on the opposite side of the valley.

The View Point Parking Area

View of the Valley with Mt San Jacinto in the background

We had a fantastic time! Joshua Tree National park is a remarkable place and we must really thank San & Mike for sharing one of their favorite Southern California places with us.

Mt San Jacinto from the highway on the way home

Elly took this video of the Palm Springs Windmills on the way home.

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