Monday, October 03, 2016

Making Homemade Garlic Powder

A few years back when I built my chicken plucker, I bought the plans from Herrick Kimball from Whiz Bang Chicken Plucker.   At that time he was also selling his homemade garlic powder, so I bought some and it was great!  I guess now he also has a book on how to make garlic powder here  Make Great Garlic Powder.   I just found this link today and didn't know he had a book about garlic powder also.

This year our garlic crop was not that great due to the bad weather and lack of rain.  I has an excess of small bulbs and decided to try to make my own garlic powder.  Additionally, the dehydrator was already on the counter from making dried apple rings.

So I took a bunch of the small bulbs and took the skin off of the cloves.

Next, I used the garlic press and squished the cloves onto a dehydrator shelf.

Then I put the shelf into the dehydrator.

After a few hours in the dehydrator, the garlic was dry enough to put into a coffee grinder to grind it down to a powder. The powder is then sifted and the larger pieces reground until it all fits through the sifter.

We are left with a pile just garlic powder.

This is added to the other batch I made yesterday.  I don't think we will need to buy garlic powder for a while!

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