Thursday, July 28, 2016

Roofing Day 4 - Done!

They started early today in order to get the job done before the rain comes tomorrow.  Project is complete!

Its so nice to have a new roof!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Roofing Day 3

The roofers showed up at 7:30 today.  Angel, the roofer that fell, is in serious condition with a concussion & brain swelling at the UMass Trauma Center.  Prayers are needed for his recovery.

Too many memories of when I fell off the ladder back in 2010 and the ordeal that I endured for the next few months recovering from 8 broken ribs, broken collar bone, broken shoulder blade, cracked vertebrae and punctured lung.  It was not fun.

They made progress by finishing the rear of the main house and the front of the laundry room.  Only the rear of the laundry room and the garage to go,

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Roofing Day 2 - EMTs & Prayers

Today started out normal with the rear of the house stripped in about 2 hours.

After their 1st rest break, Elly heard a noise and saw their 13 year old helper running by.  Elly went outside and found that a worker had fallen off the ladder and was laying on the patio unconscious and bleeding.  Elly took the cell phone from the workers who had already dialed 911 to speak to the dispatcher and communicate the workers condition.  The other workers had all they could do to keep the fallen man still & not moving.  The Sterling EMTs arrived in less than 5 minutes, place the injured worker on the stretcher and had him on the way to the UMass Trauma Center in less than 3 minutes.  Our prayers are with him and his family.

 These EMTs are good!  I should know as this happened to me in 2010 and I and still alive and kicking.  Hope the roofers end result is similar to mine.

Needless to say, no more work was going to be done today! 

Monday, July 25, 2016

New Roof Week has Started! - Day 1

31 years on a 25 year roof, it's about time for a new one!  The north side  of the garage acutal was covered in moss and has little trees growing on it.

moss covered garage
The material arrived on Friday, Work began today.  These guys are wearing hoodies in the 95 degree heat.  It keeps them cool, by keeping the body moisture inside, like air conditioning.

Moving right along. Starting with putting on the weatherproofing & new shingles.

After the shingles were removed I went up into the attic.  It was sort of magical with the sun shing through the nail holes

By 4:30, the main front roof was complete and the Laundry-Mudroom area was strippped and started to be shingled.  Fast workers in this awful heat of 95 degrees.